Course Description
Thank you for your interest in Lavender's Blue Winter Kindergarten! All the information on this program can be found on the website here:

Lavender's Blue Homeschool
Course curriculum
Kindergarten Winter
You can listen to each audio file in your browser below. Download all Winter audio files here.
1 Good Morning Dear Earth
2 Merry we have met
3 These are the brown leaves
3 These are the brown leaves
4 The loud winds are calling
5 The Northwind Doth Blow
6 Autumn Goodbye
7 Four Little Stars
8 Outside the cold winds blow
9 Cross patch draw the latch
10 Polly Put the Kettle On
11 Here's a cup
12 Pease porridge hot
13 I'm a Little Teapot
14 Blow Wind Blow
15 I Had a Little Hen
16 Wash the dishes wipe the dishes
17 These are our mittens
18 Let's go walking in the snow
19 I Travelled Over Land and Sea
20 I'm a Little Snowman
21 Snowflakes snowflakes
22 Oh Where Do You Come From
23 Merry little snowflakes
24 Sally Go Round the Sun