Course Description
Thank you for your interest in Lavender's Blue Spring Kindergarten! All the information on this program can be found on the website here:

Lavender's Blue Homeschool
Course curriculum
Kindergarten Spring
You can listen to each audio file in your browser below. Download all Spring audio files here.
1 Good Morning Dear Earth
2 Merry we have met
3 There's A Little Wheel
4 Merry little snowflakes
5 Sally Go Round the Sun
6 Winter is cold
7 This is the way the flowers sleep
7 This is the way the flowers sleep
8 Winter Goodbye
9 Spring Is Coming
10 All the birds have come again
11 Tirra Lirra Lirra
12 My Lady Spring
13 Up above the rain clouds tumble
14 Pitter Patter
15 Doctor Foster went to Glouchester
16 Dance Tiny Raindrops
17 In the Heart of a Seed
18 Over in the Meadow
19 This is my garden
20 Mary Mary Quite Contrary
21 Dig a little hole
22 Ring Around the Rosies
23 Little Bees
24 A Tired Caterpillar
25 Come bright butterfly
26 The butterfly flies so high
27 In and Out the Bonnie Bluebells