Course Description
Welcome to the Lavender's Blue Library! Here's where you can access some of our best FREE resources! Here's what you'll find in the Library:
The Early Years Guide
This is a popular in-depth blog series on the early years (available here as a downloadable/printable pdf). This isn't just for parents of preschoolers, though - if you're new to Waldorf, this guide will help you understand some of the foundational concepts like rhythm and how to support creative play!
The Rhythm Quick Start Guide
In this guide we cover the foundations
of rhythm so you understand what it is and how to put it into action in your home. It's full of journal prompts to help you get clear on what will work for your family!
The Planning Guide
This guide will get you up and running with planning for Waldorf-inspired homeschooling in kindy or the grades. We go through all the steps of planning so you understand how to work from the big picture to the little details.
Curriculum Sample Pages
Many families have written to say how valuable these free sample pages are, whether they decide to purchase the full curriculum or not! You'll get a good picture of what the Lavender's Blue Curriculum is like, but also lots of ideas for your own lesson planning.
The Sing More Challenge
This free 7-day challenge with help you sing more with your family. We'll explore ways to bring more song into your days, and there are song recordings for you too!
This is all free for you in the Library, so go ahead and sign up for your library card! I can't wait to help you with rhythm, planning, and more! :)

Lavender's Blue Homeschool
Course curriculum
Welcome to the Lavender's Blue Library!
Early Years Guide
Rhythm Quick Start Guide
Planning Guide
Kindergarten Sample Pages
First Grade Sample Pages
Second Grade Sample Pages
Welcome to the Sing More Challenge!