Course Description
Thank you for your interest in Lavender's Blue Kindergarten! All the information on this program can be found on the website here:

Lavender's Blue Homeschool
Course curriculum
Kindergarten Autumn
You can listen to each audio file in your browser below. Download all Autumn audio files here.
1 Good Morning Dear Earth
2 Merry we have met
3 Winter is white
4 I'm a Tall Tall Tree
5 Let's go to the apple orchard today
6 Can You Walk on Two Legs
7 Here stands a good apple tree
8 The Leaves Are Green
9 Way up high in the apple tree
10 My Nice Red Rosy Apple
11 There goes the farmer
12 A Farmer Arose
13 We walk home from the orchard
14 It's Golden In The Treetops
15 Five Golden Leaves
16 Come little leaves
17 The leaves are falling
18 Five Little Pumpkins2
19 I am a pumpkin
20 Jack O'Lantern
21 The sunlight fast is dwindling
22 I Go With My Little Lantern
23 The little winds whisper
24 Who Has Seen The Wind
25 These are the brown leaves
26 The loud winds are calling
27 The Northwind Doth Blow
28 Autumn Goodbye
Kindergarten Winter
You can listen to each audio file in your browser below. Download all Winter audio files here.
1 Good Morning Dear Earth
2 Merry we have met
3 These are the brown leaves
4 The loud winds are calling
5 The Northwind Doth Blow
6 Autumn Goodbye
7 Four Little Stars
8 Outside the cold winds blow
9 Cross patch draw the latch
10 Polly Put the Kettle On
11 Here's a cup
12 Pease porridge hot
13 I'm a Little Teapot
14 Blow Wind Blow
15 I Had a Little Hen
16 Wash the dishes wipe the dishes
17 These are our mittens
18 Let's go walking in the snow
19 I Travelled Over Land and Sea
20 I'm a Little Snowman
21 Snowflakes snowflakes
22 Oh Where Do You Come From
23 Merry little snowflakes
24 Sally Go Round the Sun
Kindergarten Spring
You can listen to each audio file in your browser below. Download all Spring audio files here.
1 Good Morning Dear Earth
2 Merry we have met
3 There's A Little Wheel
4 Merry little snowflakes
5 Sally Go Round the Sun
6 Winter is cold
7 This is the way the flowers sleep
8 Winter Goodbye
9 Spring Is Coming
10 All the birds have come again
11 Tirra Lirra Lirra
12 My Lady Spring
13 Up above the rain clouds tumble
14 Pitter Patter
15 Doctor Foster went to Glouchester
16 Dance Tiny Raindrops
17 In the Heart of a Seed
18 Over in the Meadow
19 This is my garden
20 Mary Mary Quite Contrary
21 Dig a little hole
22 Ring Around the Rosies
23 Little Bees
24 A Tired Caterpillar
25 Come bright butterfly
26 The butterfly flies so high
27 In and Out the Bonnie Bluebells
Summer Stories Bonus
Kindergarten Painting Supplies
Painting Set Up
Color Stories
Kindy Beeswax Modeling
Storytelling in Kindergarten
Story: Goldilocks and the Three Bears