Course Description
Fingerplays are a wonderful way to build language and fine motor skills in the early years through the early grades.
How can you include fingerplays in your day?
- Add a fingerplay to your daily rhythm (for example, when you sit down for snack)
- Add fingerplays to your circle time
- Warm up the hands for handwork, modeling, recorder, or writing with a couple fingerplays
- Use fingerplays when your child needs help to gather his attention and focus
- Anytime, just for fun!
The easiest, quickest way to learn a fingerplay is to watch someone do it! I recorded these fingerplay videos (31 total) so you can have a repertoire always at your fingertips.
Please note these videos are intended for parent/teacher preparation, not for sharing with children (young children learn language skills best via interactions with people, not screens). I hope you enjoy them!

Lavender's Blue Homeschool
Course curriculum
Autumn Leaves
Five Little Pumpkins
Five Little Squirrels
Here Stands an Apple Tree
If I had a Little Turtle
Ten Red Apples
The Elephant
Wintertime is on its Way
Little Nancy Petticoat
Open Shut Them
Ready for a Nap
Stir a Bowl of Gingerbread
Tub, Tub, Tub
Where is Thumbkin
Good Morning Mrs. Hen
Here is a Cave
Here is the Church
A Farmer Once Planted
Caterpillar Wind About
Five Little Robins
Here are Mother's Knives and Forks
Here is the Beehive
If I were a Bird
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Little Robin Redbreast
Rain on the Green Grass
See See See
Ten Peas in a Peapod
Ten Yellow Chicks
This is a Nest